
1 min read
Yadda ta kaya a zaman tattaunawa na jin ƙarar bada sarautar Sarkin Zazzau a ranar 11 Disamba 2020.
Abu biyu ne suka faru, kuma ga yadda muka fahimce su, kamar haka 1. Fagachin Zazzau ya canza lauya. Ya kuma yi haka ne don son zuciyanci,...

Safiyanu Ladan
2 min read
On Wazirin Zazzau’s suspension
A couple of weeks ago, Kaduna State Government through the Ministry For Local Government and Chieftaincy Affairs, has sent a letter to...

2 min read
Emir of Zazzau : Pre-trial Conference Analysis
As predicted, the state attorneys have pulled another rabbit out of the hat during the pre-trial conference on Friday. Two things...